ALGOGram™, your decision making guide!

A 2 step-process

1- ALGOGram™ gives you the analgesic profile of your test articles by detecting efficacy in a given pain area, guiding you in your “GO / NO GO” decisions.

2- The analgesic fingerprint provided by ALGOGram™ can be confirmed and fine-tuned in a fully powered studies as a follow-up to the screening step.

We are proud to see that this theoretical principle has been successfully put into practice throughout this second semester. The results generated and published by one of our clients working in the field of medical device represent a perfect example.

Our R&D efforts

Indomethacin – 30mg/kg, p.o.
Fluoxetine – 30 mg/kg, i.p.
Duloxetine – 100mg/kg, p.o.
Dexamethasone – 3 mg/kg, s.c.
Amitriptyline – 30mg/kg, i.p.

At ANS Biotech, our will is to constantly implement the number of pharmacological references in ALGOGram™ in order to show our customers the relevance, the predictability and the robustness of the screening tool.

Laurent Diop
Chief Scientific Officer

In preview…the upcoming sessions 2022!