Why Working with us

Hyper-specialization in Pain

As a CRO specializing exclusively in preclinical pharmacology of pain, we offer unparalleled expertise and targeted solutions specifically tailored to the complexities of pain research, ensuring exceptional outcomes for our clients.

Tailor-made solutions

From customizing an existing model to developing a new one, every project is unique. Thanks to our in-depth expertise, we can tailor our solutions to meet your specific requirements from initial design to final implementation.

Platform screening 

We have pioneered, in parallel with the customized and clinically relevant experimental models, various exclusive in vivo screening platforms for derisking and accelerating the drug development process while keeping costs under control.


Our agile approach is based on streamlined processes, rapid decision-making and flexible solutions. It enables us to respond quickly to client requirements, guaranteeing efficient design, rapid execution and delivery of results within optimized timeframes.

Adaptability to your uniqueness

Each of our clients is unique. Whether you are a large pharmaceutical company or a start-up, private or academic, we will adapt to your project specifications.

Client success

Our client-centric approach ensures unparalleled satisfaction, delivering tailored solutions, precise insights, and exceptional support throughout the drug development journey.

Satisfaction in the context of a mutually cordial experience define our success!

Working with us step by step

Ask for a call/video meeting with our business team to discuss your needs and evaluate how ANS Biotech can support your R&D efforts in the field of Pain

This document is a pre-contractual and non-binding offer related to the selected model and gathering the main information about your customized study: customized experimental conditions / time schedule for completion of the scientific services / study cost / payment schedule.

The study proposal is considered as a work document which can be amended / fine-tuned to meet your needs and expectation.

  1. MSA: our general relationship will be officialized by the execution of Master Service Agreement.
  2. Quotation (price and financials): the signature of the formal quotation will be used to definitively secure the slot of your study in our planning.
  3. Study plan:  Document containing the requested experimental conditions, time schedule and all other information necessary for carrying out the study.

Induction of the pain model / animal dosing / behavioral testing / raw data / analysis of the results.

The execution of the study will result in the delivery of 2 reports:

1- Preliminary report: delivery 1 week after completion of the experimental phase including tables, graphs and statistical analysis.

2- Final report: delivery 3 weeks after delivery of the preliminary report. The document is QA audited and contains the results of the Study and other deliverables agreed in the Study Plan.

3- After study service: discussion about the results and perspectives with your dedicated study director.

We place client satisfaction at the forefront of our commitment, continuously striving for excellence through ongoing improvement initiatives while ensuring timely delivery of our services.

What our clients appreciate in us